While traditional swimming pools have long made use of fresh water with chlorine and other chemicals added and monitored manually, salt water swimming pools offer a safe and enjoyable alternative as a swimming pool for your home.

The salt water used in typical salt water swimming pools is not the same as the ocean water you swim in on a trip to the beach. Ocean water has a much higher concentration of salt, as much as 35,000 parts per million. At ten times the human salt taste threshold of 3500 parts per million, this is why ocean water has such an unpleasant salty taste. Salt water swimming pools, by contrast, have a much lower salinity; the chlorine generators they employ usually require a salinity between 2500 and 6000 parts per million.

Salt water swimming pools employ the modern technology of chlorine generators to eliminate the need for a pool owner to purchase and handle chlorine as a part of the maintenance of their swimming pool. A properly functioning chlorine generator will be producing chlorine constantly, and so the chlorine level of your swimming pool will be maintained without your constant intervention. The presence of chlorine in the pool’s water is important to keep the water free of algae and harmful bacteria which can be both unsightly and dangerous to the health of those swimming in the pool. Chlorine generators use the water’s natural salt and convert it into chlorine to keep the swimming pool free of these unwanted growths.

While chlorine generators do greatly reduce the time and cost of taking care of your swimming pool, it is important that they be kept in good working order. This means as an owner you must ensure that your generator remains clean and free of calcium and other mineral build-up. With care, chlorine generators can be kept smoothly operating for years, but a calcified or clogged device cannot efficiently process the salt water and generate chlorine, causing a valuable system to go to waste. For many pool owners, a self-cleaning chlorine generation system can be well worth the added investment.

Salt water swimming pools offer other benefits beside lower time and maintenance costs as well. Pool owners who have switched to salt water have described the water as smoother and more pleasant, and swimming overall becomes that much more enjoyable. Swimming in a low saline content pool is in some ways similar to taking a shower in soft water. While traditional chlorine pools often leave swimmers with skin that feels dry and uncomfortable after swimming, the saline solution of salt water swimming pools will leave your skin feeling smooth and refreshed. Traditional chlorinated pools also may leave a whitish, flaking residual on the skin from the pool’s chemicals, which salt water pool swimmers do not experience. Salt water pool owners also avoid the unpleasant stinging sensation traditional chlorine pools often cause to swimmers’ eyes. Even hair, often lent an unpleasant greenish tinge by most swimming pools, will benefit from the change to salt water.

Bay Shore

Bay Shore - 14' x 30' x 6' Deep


Beachside - 10' x 18' x 4' Deep

Big Blue Key

Blue Key - 16' x 39' x 6'6" Deep

Big Blue Key

Big Blue Key - 16' x 39' x 8' Deep

Blue Isle

Blue Isle - 15' x 34' x 6'6" Deep

Classic Cove

Classic Cove - 14' x 33' x 6' Deep

Coral Isle

Coral Isle - 12' x 26' x 5'6" Deep

Coral Reef

Coral Reef - 15' x 32' x 6'6" Deep

Crescent Bay

Crescent Bay -14' x 26' x 6' Deep

Crystal Bay

Crystal Bay - 10' x 20' x 5' Deep

Crystal Shore

Crystal Shore - 11' x 20' x 4' Deep

Deep Lagoon

Deep Lagoon - 15' x 32' x 8' Deep

Emerald Cove

Emerald Cove - 14' x 29' x 6'6" Deep

Island Bay

Island Bay - 12' x 30' x 5'6" Deep

Island Fun

Island Fun - 11' x 20' x 4' Deep

Island Waters

Island Waters



Key Spa

Key Spa

Kidney Spa

Kidney Spa

Long Beach

Long Beach

Long Key

Long Key

Octagon Spa

Octagon Spa

Olympic Bay

Olympic Bay

Palm Cove

Palm Cove - 11' x 16' x 4' Deep

Palm Key

Palm Key

Paradise Beach

Paradise Beach



Round Spa

Round Spa

Royal Bay

Royal Bay

Royal Isle

Royal Isle

Sandy Cove

Sandy Cove

Sea Cove

Sea Cove

Sea Shore

Sea Shore

Sea Swirl

Sea Swirl





Sparkle Beach

Sparkle Beach

Square Spa

Square Spa

Sun Splash

Sun Splash

Sunny Waters

Sunny Waters

Sunset Bay

Sunset Bay

Sunset Beach

Sunset Beach

Sunset Waters

Sunset Waters



Three Moon Bay

Three Moon Bay

Tropic Cove

Tropic Cove



Twin Bay

Twin Bay

Twin Cove

Twin Cove

Twin Key

Twin Key

Twin Waters

Twin Waters







Waters Edge

Waters Edge

Wave Crest

Wave Crest

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Your swimming pool is a lifetime investment. Over time it will require you to complete some basic maintenance tasks to extend the life of your investment.

One common task in swimming pool maintenance is the repair of the concrete pool deck. Cracks in the concrete of your swimming pool deck may result from soil conditions or heat and sometimes freezing thaw cycles. Learning how to repair these cracks yourself could save you money during the life of your swimming pool.

1. First you must prepare the crack in your swimming pool’s concrete deck for repair. Large cracks will not need preparation. However, small cracks must be opened larger in order to allow the filler material to penetrate and bind to the damaged area. To enlarge the crack in your swimming pool you can use a crack chaser blade. Crack chaser blades may be purchased at your local hardware store.

2. The second step in repairing the concrete in swimming pools is to make sure that the area you are repairing is clean, dry, and full of debris. Keep in mind that the bonding repair agent needs to be able to adhere to the existing concrete structure. Moisture and debris will hinder this process, making pool maintenance more difficult. Faulty pool repair may also be counterproductive and just make the existing problem worse. Keep your work area clean and dry with a vacuum.

3. The third step is to fill in the crack with a concrete repair agent. These include high strength epoxy and polyurethane fillers which can be found at the hardware store or in a pool repair shop. Use a metal trowel to smooth out the filler after you have filled the hole tightly with your concrete repair agent. Work quickly while filling in cracks in your swimming pool because most of these compounds are designed to set quickly. Also, some of these filling agents can be purchased with applicators that extend into the crack to allow for easy application. Do your research beforehand to ensure that your pool repair is effective.

4. Next, silica sand should be sprinkled on the wet filler agent to increase the hold of the filler. After you have applied silica sand to the filled crack, smooth out the filled crack with your trowel.

5. Paint or cover your pool repair with the same material as the rest of the pool to blend the repair and make it less obvious.

6. Repeat steps one through five for each crack in your pool.

Pool maintenance is a necessary activity to extend the life of your swimming pool. If the cracks in your concrete deck are too large for easy repair, it may be advisable to call a swimming pool repair company in order to make sure that the job is completed in a way that is sustainable for the rest of the life of the swimming pool. You may also call the imprinted concrete dublin experts to help you on this. Use your judgment here, but remember that it is better to be safe than sorry concerning swimming pools.

If you’d like to get more information about concrete repair services, then please make sure to contact a concrete repair company to get all your questions answered. 

Now that summer is upon you, your efforts to beat the heat have led you to decide to build a swimming pool. Good for you but now you have questions. What kind of pool should I build? Concrete or fiberglass? And what about “gunite pools?” What the heck is that? These are just some of the questions facing the prospective pool owner. Still other questions, such as what vinyl liner pools are and their benefits must be considered before making any final decisions to build that pool you are longing for.

Concrete Pools, as well as their cousins, Gunite pools, both have benefits and drawbacks as opposed to fiberglass or preformed pools. The primary advantages to concrete and gunite pools are in their flexibility. Both concrete and gunite pools can take on practically any shape the owner desires. When the hole is dug to whatever shape is agreed upon, the concrete is poured to take on that shape. Gunite pools use the same basic fabrication process but they utilize rebar to accommodate plumbing and are often accompanied by a wooden deck. Concrete and gunite pools have a long life span although the plaster used to finish gunite pools may have to be replaced every fifteen years or so and concrete pools require acid washing to remove stains. Both concrete and gunite pools tend to be expensive with gunite the more costly of the two.

Fiberglass pools have their advantages as well and one of the most evident is their reduced cost. Prefabricated pools built in large quantities are less costly but have the disadvantage of being less flexible in terms of shape, although most pool manufacturers have a variety of pools to choose from. However, reduced choices in pool shapes are offset by a variety of advantages fiberglass pools enjoy over concrete pools. Among these are that fiberglass pools don’t require acid washes or periodic resurfacing. In addition, because of the composition of fiberglass material as opposed to concrete, fewer chemicals are needed to balance the water because less alkali is leached into the pool as opposed to concrete.

The final category of pool is those of the vinyl lined variety. Vinyl lined pools are fitted to a track mounted frame and stretched to fit its contours. The vinyl itself comes in many colors and thicknesses although the standard is 20 mil. The primary advantage to vinyl lined pools are their cost. These pools generally are about one third to half the cost of other types of pools. The drawback is that the vinyl doesn’t last as long although replacement is fairly inexpensive. Another drawback is the tearing and holes that can develop from exposure to sharp edges. However, patching kits are available that can repair the damage if it isn’t too severe.

Your pool will be with you for a long time so choose wisely. Whatever pool you decide on should bring you refreshing satisfaction for decades to come!

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Most individuals that decide to purchase a pool and have it installed, have no idea that they have options when it comes to the type of water that they put in their pool. Many just assume that chlorine is the way to go. However, nowadays more and more people are considering using salt water swimming pools. But, one may wonder, is having a salt water swimming pool really to your advantage? Well, the answer is, “it depends on you and your circumstances.” In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of salt water swimming pools. Let’s get started.

Pros of a salt water swimming pool:

1. Salt water swimming pools are cheaper overall.

2. Many people believe that swimming in salt water swimming pool feels more natural than traditional chlorinated pools.

3. By using a salt water swimming pool you can avoid the toxic smell associated with chemical created chlorine as well as the harmful effects of it in which some believe causes cancer. In addition, since your pool won’t have chloromine, you are likely not to experience eye stinging and skin irritations as well.

4. Chemical created chlorine is very hard on your skin and can cause allergic reactions in many people. However, salt in a salt water swimming pool is similar to that found in our bodies. In addition Cialis generic, it is easy to handle and store in comparison to chemical created chlorine.

5. Salt water swimming pools are lower maintenance than the traditional chlorine pool but you do have to perform some weekly maintenance for optimal performance. For instance, you have to remove excess calcium to avoid buildup.

Cons of salt water swimming pools:

1. To run a salt generator and produce enough chlorine, one has to run the generator all day long which can actually be quite expensive since you have to replace it often. In addition, quality generators cost between $500 to $1100 or more.

2. Although maintenance of a salt water swimming pool is lower, you do have to evaluate it more frequently. For instance, PH levels tend to elevate quickly which can be quite problematic.
You must keep your salt water swimming pools free of mineral deposits so that it works properly.

3. You must choose the right heat exchanger so that the natural chlorine from your salt water swimming pool doesn’t damage it.

4. Salt water swimming pools may lead to faster damage of the pool’s equipment. Replacement parts for a salt water swimming pool tend to be more expensive than traditional chlorinated pools.

In conclusion, there are many pros and cons when trying to decide between a traditional chlorinated swimming pool and a salt water swimming pool. To make the best decision, you must evaluate both sides of the issue and then decide upon the system that is best for your individual needs while taking into consideration health benefits, costs and maintenance. Once you do this, you’ll be able to quickly determine which system is better and can choose the one that will work the best for your needs.

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