How to figure how many gallons of water are in your pool?

swimming pools
mj_indigo asked:

A long time ago I started to have reoccurring dreams that I was in a 100 foot deep swimming pool and just clinging to the edge. Then sometimes I would dream I was swimming but the size and deepness of the pool was kind of freaky. I still keep having dreams about swimming pools, usually they are huge. Since I tried scuba diving in real life, although I didn’t like it, I feel more comfortable swimming in the deep water but it’s still a bit freaky. I have no fear of normal sized swimming pools in real life! What do you think these dreams mean?

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swimming pools
rj3sports asked:

I live in Kentucky and I need to buy an above ground or partially above ground swimming pool for long term health therapy. I can wait several months if I have to in order to get a discounted off-season price and I would like to know when most pools get offered for less cost.

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swimming pools
Juswannakno asked:

States where backyard pools are common. Should pools be banned? In other words, should the market for swimming pools be eliminated? Answer this in terms terms of producer and consumer surplus.

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fiberglass pool
Andie asked:

I can’t afford to maintain my pool. Some of my neighbours have had to do this, but they have other kinds of pools. I was told I cannot empty the pool because empty fiberglass pools “pop” up from the ground, which will be extremely costly to repair. Can I just switch it off and stop adding the increasingly costly chemicals? This wouldn’t be permanent, just for a few months during a bad economic period.


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