If you plan to leave your patio or garden furniture outside throughout the year will need to be sure that it can stand extreme weather conditions.You would expect that all garden furniture is made to withstand such conditions but actually this is not always the case.Buying cheap Garden Furniture is very often the most expensive choice! It will need to be replaced often! The old adage is also true, “you only get what you pay for”.
What are the next steps then, since we have established you aren’t just going to buy the cheapest set that you can get your hands on.First you will need to work out what material you would prefer, the two most common materials are as follows:
Metal Garden Furniture & Hardwood Garden Furniture
Metal Garden Furniture
Having decided that you would like metal furniture, your safest bet is Aluminium which is sure to stand the test of time.The reason for this is that Aluminium does not rust, so will last in all weather conditions.Having decided on Aluminium, you then must look at whether to go for “Cast Aluminium”, which is often solid and is made from Aluminium that has been Cast into a mould, or “Framed Aluminium”, which although lighter, is normally equally as durable.
Aluminium is definitely the best material for garden furniture, it will last for ages so has to be worth taking the plunge.
Hardwood Garden Furniture
Wood is always unique because no piece will be the same as the last, that is why it’s my favourite.This difference arises from the fact that the grain is unique to each tree.There are many different options when it comes to wooden garden furniture so I will not attempt to mention every one.
When it comes to wooden garden furniture, I know a thing or two and I feel confident in declaring teak the best wood for the job.Teak is the best material for the job because it can withstand exposure to the high moisture content that is often present in the air, not to mention the rain.
This is reflected in the price, teak is at the high end of the price range but then you won’t have to maintain it and it will last a life time.
The reason hard woods are so hard is because they grow slowly.Look out for the Forest Stewardship Councils (FSC) seal of approval on your teak furniture, to be sure that it has been produced in a responsible forest management system.
Teak is worth the initial investment when you consider that it will last up to 25 years.