Swimming Pool Safety – Reminding Swimming Pool Owners About Pool Safety

Commensense goes a long way with regards to swimming pool safety. Fist and foremost is to have  a fence and a gate that will keep children away from your pool unless a adult is supervising the children while play and swimming. Keep the gate locked at all times. ALWAYS have an adult watching children in and around your pool

Private pool safety warning » News » This Is Florida

Private pool safety warning. Keep children safe in home swimming pools, you should launch a swimming pool safety program of you own.  This should include a meeting with you children about the hazards in and around a swimming pool.

I love building swimming pool for families, I want the pool to be a fun and great place for the children.  Please make sure you have a plan in place to keep the children safe.

Swimming Pools Can Bring Joy Or Sadness If Swimming Pool Saftey Is Not Followed… I found this great post and felt the need to share it with my blog readers:

Milton Stanley wrote:

Swimming pools can bring a lot of joy to the whole family, but accidents happen when parents forget that they can also be dangerous. Approximately three hundred children under the age of five die from pool-related accidents each year. A cpr ottawa training with c2c can help reduce the death rate, but protocols still need to be followed. And it usually isn’t a result of negligent behavior or gross safety hazards; they happen because people aren’t educated about the risks.

Immersion injuries are terrifying for parents, so avoid them at all costs. Keep your swimming pool – whether above ground or below – safe for the entire family to enjoy.

1. Don’t leave – even for a minute!

Children can drown very easily and very quickly. Even if you only leave for a moment to get the phone or check the timer on the oven, it can provide enough time for a traumatic accident to occur. If you must go inside, insist that all of the children get out of the pool and make sure that they can’t get back in the water until you return.

2. Install a fence.

Fences (like the ones made from cedar fence supplies) around pools should be at least four feet high, and should have vertical bars placed no more than four inches apart. Horizontal slats aren’t recommended because they provide foot-holds to assist children in climbing, and the handle or latch to the gate should be at least 3.5 feet above the ground. It is even better to install a lock on the gate so that even precocious children are thwarted.

3. Purchase a pool safety cover.

Often, fences aren’t enough to keep unsupervised children out of the pool area. To make sure that your children are safe, cover the pool with a safety cover when it is not in use. They even have power safety covers that are motorized to prevent accidental removal. The swimming pool cover that you choose should be approved by ATSM and should be capable of bearing the weight of at least one adult and one child.

4. Inform babysitters.

If you have a babysitter or nanny watch your children, make sure they are aware of the safety measures regarding the pool. Show them out to open the gate and how to lock it, and how to manage the pool cover, if you have one. Families with a pool should hire sitters who are certified in First Aid, and who know what to do in the event of a drowning.

5. Talk to your children.

The kids – no matter how young – should be aware of the dangers of swimming pools. Often, the fear of accidents are enough to keep even precocious children in line. Explain that no running should occur around the pool, that no one should enter the pool without Mom or Dad, and that they should never lean over the pool to try and extract something from the water.

6. Appoint a “designated watcher” during parties.

When adults have pool parties, the children are often invited, and a distracted adult can allow accidents to happen. Rather than risk it, have the adults take turns keeping a careful watch on the pool. If there are more than six or seven children, have two adults on watch at all times.

7. Keep a telephone by the pool.

Unfortunately, accidents can happen whether or not an adult is on watch. In case of an emergency, keep a telephone by the pool so that you can dial 911 in a hurry. If a child appears to be in trouble, get the child out of the swimming pool before calling the emergency number.

8. Check the pool first.

If you notice that one of your children is missing, go directly to the pool. Drownings can occur in minutes, so time is valuable. Go all the way to the edge of the pool and scan the entire length, including along the borders. You should also be sure to check the hot tub if you have one.

9. Remove ladders.

If you have an above-ground pool, remove the ladder while the pool is not in use. If this is not possible, make sure that it is securely bolted to the ground to avoid collapsing injuries.


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At Home Swimming Pool Safety

A swimming pool in your home is a place of enjoyment and relaxation.  However, the pool can be a danger zone and can turn an enjoyable time into a nightmare. Swimming pool safety is essential to have a pleasurable time in your pool. It is a responsible step that you make sure your pool is used safely and that there are no dangers that could cause injury or death.

Kids age four and under have a higher risk of drowning compared to any other age group. Every year, about 300 kids in this age bracket drown in swimming pools at home. Even kids age 14 and under can be victims of unsecured swimming pools at home. In 2002, almost 2,700 kids had drowning related incidents. To prevent this incident from happening in your own pool, you have to consider pool safety procedures to ensure that your swimming pool does not present any danger.

You may not always be around to see that your pool is used safely, so installing barriers around your pool is a must. It should have a fence about four feet high with a thin strip less than four inches apart. The gate of the fence should be self-closing and self-latching that is unreachable to children. If your pool is above the ground, make sure that the steps and ladders are secured, or removed when the pool is not in use to prevent kids from entering the pool without supervision. To improve the protection of your home swimming pool, install door and pool alarms. It is also important that pets have supervised access to the swimming pool since they can mess up the pool area.

Though the area is secured with barriers, it is still important to always watch kids in the water as it only takes seconds for accidents to happen. Do not let kids swim alone, run near the pool, push or jump on others in the water, or dive or jump in shallow part of the swimming area. Post swimming pool rules in the swimming area. Also, you should have a cordless phone, list of emergency hotlines, first aid kit and rescue gears near the swimming area. It would be helpful if you learn CPR.

Inform any guests invited about swimming pool safety and rules. Make sure that the invited guest can swim. Ask parents whether invited kids can swim and, if not, you may select a day to invite them when you will not be opening the pool. Just in case you are having children for the first time, invite the parents of the children as well.

Polluted pool water can be health hazard. You should keep the cleanliness of your pool as it is important for the health of those who use the pool. It is less likely that people will get sick from swimming in your pool if you always keep it clean. It is a good habit to take a shower before you jump into the pool. And for others sake, do not swim if you are sick.

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Swimming pools are a great fun for a family but can be extremely dangerous at times, especially for the children. However, it is recommended that do not install a swimming pool in your house until your child is 5 years old, if you already have a pool in your yard, here are some safety tips that you should follow to protect them from drowning:

* Never leave the children alone near or in the pool, even for a minute

* An adult should always be available at an arm’s length from the child

* It is wise to put up fence that separates the house from the swimming pool area. Most of the young children drowning in a pool wander out from the house and end up falling into it. The fence should be at least 4 feet high and should be around all the four sides of the pool. This fence should completely separate the house and the play area from the pool

* Use gates which not only self-close but also self-latch, and the latch should be higher than the children’s reach

* Keep rescue equipments, such as shepherd’s hook and life preservers by the pool side and also a telephone that can be used in case of an emergency

* Air filled swimming aids should not be used as substitutes for approved vests

* It is better to remove all the toys from the swimming pool after use so that the children do not get tempted to reach out for them

* After your children have played in the pool, make sure to secure it so that they do not get back into it without your notice

* Power safety covers can also be used to add protection to your children but it should not be considered as a substitute for the fence between the pool and the house

Teaching swimming to the children is the first and most important step towards children’s safety in the swimming pools but this does not mean that you can let your children swim freely in the pool. Taking care of all these safety measures will keep your children safe in the water and avoid any unnecessary complications.

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Swimming Pool Safety – Views Of A Pool Contractor – If you have a pool in your backyard, chances are your pool will be a magnet for summer entertaining. Nevertheless, having a pool comes with the responsibility of making sure that it is used safely and that there are no accidents involving the pool. Swimming pool safety is essential for enjoying your pool. What can you do to ensure that your swimming pool is safe?

Make sure access to your swimming pool is restricted when there is no available supervision. You should have a fence around your pool with a gate that locks. In addition, your home should have a sensor that indicates when a door is opened so you will be alerted when a door leading to the pool is opened. Take precautions to ensure that children cannot access the pool by removing ladders when an above-ground pool is not in use or putting safety locks on doors in your home leading to your backyard in-ground pool. You should also take care to make sure that pets cannot access the pool. Make sure that pets do not have unsupervised access to the pool since they may make it unsanitary.

Educate your family and friends about swimming pool safety and post pool rules in your backyard. Reinforce that there should be no running or eating around the pool. Food in the pool attracts insects and running around a wet pool can result in slipping thereby causing an injury.

Make sure that any guests invited to the pool can swim. Ask parents whether invited children can swim and, if not, choose to have them on a day when you will not be using the pool. Additionally, do not leave guests or young children alone at the pool. If you are having a child for the first time, consider inviting the parent to enjoy the pool as well.

Safe swimming pools are clean. Keeping the pool clean minimizes germs and makes it less likely that people will get sick from swimming in your pool. Keep tools to clean the pool yourself or have a pool specialist come regularly.

Keep necessary safety and rescue equipment near the pool. At minimum, this can include a flotation ring, a first aid kit, and a telephone. In addition, family members should be trained in CPR and refresher classes should be taken regularly.

Make sure that you keep all pool chemicals that are not in use locked. Chemicals can be dangerous so it is important to keep them out of reach.

To ensure safe swimming pools, maintain your pool correctly and have it inspected for any possible dangers that may not be visually apparent. Heat, drainage, and the pump should be inspected regularly and appropriate repairs should be made as needed. Be certain to inspect the drain to make sure it is not damaged. Swimmers can be trapped against a drain so it is important to avoid swimming in a pool with a broken drain. Make sure that everyone knows where the cut off switch is located for the drain so that it can easily be turned off if someone becomes trapped against the drain.

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