Swimming Pool Heaters extend the swimming season after summer has come and gone, many people are turning to swimming pool heaters. A heater is great to have, especially with colder days. If you’ve thought about buying a heater for your swimming pool, there are probably a lot of things that you’ve found yourself wondering.
When using a pool heater, you can adjust the temperature of your pool water to virtually any level that you are comfortable with. The recommended temperature for a pool is 78 degrees, although most people prefer to have their water just a bit warmer, around 80 degrees. The choice is up to you, as you can’t really go wrong with either of the two.
During the year, the sun can only get your pool water so hot for a somewhat brief period of time. When summer ends and things start to cool off, your heater can help you make swimming last longer. If you live in the north, you can actually double your swimming season. Those living in warmer climates, such as Florida and California can actually triple the amount of swimming by using a heater with their pool.
There are a few different types of heaters available, although gas fired heaters running off LP gas seem to be the most common. Heaters such as this are easily the least expensive to buy, and also the cheapest to run over time. Oil is another way to heat your pool, and it is common in areas that you are unable to buy gas fired heaters. Other pools choose to run off electricity. Electricity is a great way to heat your pool, although it can easily be the most expensive to run and take the most amount of time to properly maintain.
Last but not least, there’s the solar pool heater. Solar heaters may sound like the ideal way to heat a pool for some, simply because it uses the sun to heat, helping to save money. Even though it may sound like the ideal way to heat a pool, it actually has quite a few disadvantages when you compare it to other types of heaters. You’ll discover one flaw when you go to purchase one – you’ll see that they cost nearly half the amount of your swimming pool!
Even though solar powered heaters sound the best, they truly aren’t. To get the most out of a solar powered heater you’ll need to have large electric pump, which can cost you quite a bit of money. The pump delivers the water from your pool to the solar panels, which will in turn heat up the water. Once you have finished setting up a solar powered heater, you’ll have invested thousands in it – which makes it something you should really try to avoid.
In the world of heaters, gas fired heaters remain the best and most cost efficient ways to heat a pool. Heaters can be found locally at most pool supply stores and installed by a pool contractors. They won’t cost you a lot of money to purchase, and they are very user friendly. Even if you are new to pool heaters – you won’t have any trouble using your new gas fired swimming pool heater.
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