The Badu Swimjet System – Treadmill Swimming Pool

The Badu Swimjet System is an innovative jet-propulsion pump manufactured by Speck Pumps that has been designed to give swimmers the experience of taking an aqua aerobics class in their very own pool.

The pump should be installed using drills at the time a pool is constructed. The pump works to create a water-treadmill type effect by pumping water into the pool at a current rate of up to 5,000 gallons per minute. As it has been developed to be effective in pools of 13ft and over, it is perfect for those who would like to workout in the pool but whose pool is not long enough to accommodate laps. Swimming in place is made possible as the swimmer constantly pits him- or herself against the current and, once the swimmer has established the correct stroke rate to suit that particular current, it is a simple thing for him or her to continue at the chosen pace and stay in the same place. A further advantage is that the level of current that a swimmer experiences can be adjusted and can either be set at one specific level for the duration of the swim or can be set to become progressively stronger.

A Badu Swimjet System can be installed in any type of pool including the popular gunite and shotcrete pools, the vinyl lined in-ground pools and the poured-concrete pools, although the latter types are becoming increasingly rare. The pump installation unit is fitted flush with the wall, does not have any protruding pieces and comes with what Speck Pumps calls a ‘pulsating massage hose’ that can be attached to the water outlet so that controlled water flow can be directed to those areas of the body, including specific muscles or joints, that need special treatment.

People can benefit greatly from swimming and aqua-based exercises as water workouts can never cause the same level of joint strain that comes from repeated surface-based exercise programs. Another, and rather unexpected, advantage of the Badu Swimjet System is the exhilarating ‘river ride’ that children experience when playing in a pool fitted with such a pump.

Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for people of all ages. But there is a way to get even more exercise when in a pool: install a Badu Swim Jet System. This system can be installed during construction of your pool, no matter what the size or type, or it can be installed in your already existing pool. It is cost-efficient, and is installed carefully so there are no parts sticking out, causing an unsafe environment for swimmers.

Some people pay to have a pool put in, and then they pay more money for a treadmill, exercise bike, or another piece of exercise equipment. When the Badu Swim Jet System is installed, it is several pieces of exercise equipment in one. It works by shooting up to three streams of water into the pool that you can swim against for an extra work-out. It can be set at one, two, or three streams, and different intensities according to the kind of work-out you want. In a small pool, you can swim against the streams and experience the equivalent of swimming laps in a large pool.

In a large pool, the whole family can exercise together. Turns can be taken at the water stream, while others use the rest of the pool. Typically, a piece of exercise equipment that you buy is designed for one person. In that case, while one person is in the house on the treadmill, everyone else might be in the pool. With this system, you can turn the pool into a place where everyone’s exercise needs are met.

Do not wait any longer. Get your Badu Swim Jet System installed today.

Filed under: Inground Swimming Pools

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