Just as with anything else, a hot tub needs its own supplies and accessories to help maintain it in smooth, top working order. Sometimes you’ll have to replace larger pieces, such as a hose or a jet. Other hot tub supplies you’ll want to have around on a more consistent basis, and those include cleansers, water sanitizing products to keep the water clean and spare filter gaskets. 

You can think of a hot tub like a swimming pool, with the only differences in operation being that a hot tub is heated and it has jets. Hot tubs are becoming more widespread, as they are used for hydrotherapy in hospitals and nursing homes and continue to be popular for home use. Hot tubs can be permanently installed or now can be purchased as inflatable hot tubs which can be placed anywhere you choose. Hot tubs aren’t tricky to own or operate, but it’s important to know about proper care and maintenance techniques that will make your investment continue to run like new. 


You need to be able to clean your hot tub, and not just any household cleanser will do. A cleaning solution needs to be able to sanitize the materials without scratching any surfaces or causing other harsh abrasions. Hot tubs need to be cleaned at regular intervals throughout the year and so it’s important to always have the proper cleaning solutions handy. 

Hot tub cover

Pools only need to be covered up at the end of the season, but hot tubs need to be covered up all the time when they aren’t being used. A hot tub cover can guard against dirt and bacteria getting into the water, along with other debris if it is outside in your yard. But a cover will also protect against children trying to enter without adult supervision. As a safety precaution and a way to keep the hot tub clean, hot tub covers are essential. 

Water treatment

It’s of the utmost importance to keep the water in the hot tub clean and sanitary. You can use chlorine tablets, which are also used in larger pools, to kill off harmful bacteria. A water testing kit that shows various levels of potentially harmful chemicals or bacteria is important so you can be completely positive that the water is safe for you and any other users. 

Replacement Parts

If the heater goes on your hot tub, there is no need to get a new hot tub.  You can simply get a replacement heater for the make and model hot tub that you have.   In addition to a replacement heater, you should be apprised of all of the replacement parts that may be needed for the hot tub. 

Knowing the hot tub supplies you will need to use and have handy ahead of time will make your life as a hot tub owner much easier. Hot tubs have many benefits and it takes only a minimal amount of care and maintenance to get the most out of your product.

Filed under: Landscaping

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