Swimming Pool Cleaning

Keeping a swimming pool clean require one to spend one or two hours each week. Most find that hiring a person that does swimming pool service and repairs and the best option when owning a swimming pool.

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Pool Shark Pool Cleaner | Robotic Pool Cleaner Reviews

Pool Cleaners ———- Primarily, if you do not make use of the correct pool cleaners for your pool you may possibly end up wrecking the pool; and the.

Publish Date: 04/12/2010 3:00


Pool Service or Robotic Automatic Pool Cleaner ? | Best Swimming

For someone that ?s new to owning and maintaining a ?ool, it all ?an see? a ?it confusing. For instance, if ? to? of t?e line pool cleaner that ?osts.

Publish Date: 05/24/2010 21:40


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A Question Some People Ask…

Since less chemical treatment is necessary during the winter , does the price go down for our pool service ? Our pool guy comes once a week and no one really uses the pool during the winter months . Right now we pay 80 dollars a month. Does this seem a little high for a small pool and a spa ?

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Swimming Pool maintenance is key in saving money and getting the most out of your swimming pool. Not maintaining your swimming pool maintenance and pool cleaning can result in requiring expensive pool service help.

Not checking your pool’s chemistry often enough is a mistake often made by pool owners. By checking the pool’s chemical levels twice a week in the summer/spring/fall and once a week in the winter you can properly maintain the pool’s chemical levels.

Avoid the pH to go above 8.0, this lowers the effectiveness of your chlorine to 10% active. At 7.0 it is about 73% active; allowing you to use more potential of the chlorine that is already in the pool, thus cutting your chlorine costs.

Keep alkalinity between 80-140 PPM; alkalinity affects water balance and your pools sanitizer’s ability to perform.

Checking calcium hardness every month and the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) every 6 months helps to maintain water balance too; although not sanitation.

Routinely cleaning the cells in your chlorine generators is important because if they become calcified or corroded the production of chlorine in your pool is lowered.

If you backwash your filters too often the filter won’t clean as much as it can. You should only need to backwashing most filters if the pressure gauge goes 8-10 PSI above clean.

Not cleaning your pools pumps regularly will result in poor water flow, causing problems in your pool.

When adding chemicals be sure to add them in the evening after the sun has set. Adding them during the day lowers their effectiveness.

Be sure to brush your tile regularly, neglecting to do this can cost a lot of money. Brushing down the walls will help any problems with algae your circulation system may have. If you don’t brush enough your tile will become calcified and require a specialist to clean it, costing you more money.

If the space between the bottom of the cantilever and the top of the tile on the deck cracks put in some silicon to keep water from leaking out of the pool under the decking.

As long as you have a good circulation system you should run your pump roughly 1 hour for every 10 degrees of temperature. Your pools circulation is the main determining factor in having a low maintenance pool; the better your pools circulation the lower maintenance it will be.

Make sure to replace any drains that become damaged or lost. Not doing this is a real hazard.

Keeping swimming pool maintenance and pool cleaning regular helps reduce the need to hire pool service.

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