There are many different types of in-ground swimming pools. As far as construction materials are concerned, Pool Captain installs both gunite (concrete) and fiberglass pools and spas.

Fiberglass Gunite
Warranty 25 year manufacturer 1 year builder warranty
Installation 3-4 weeks total 6-8 weeks
Crackage flexibility against cracks gunite is very strong and durable
Shape choice of manufacturers shapes- depth and shape limitations completely customizeable
Cost 10-15% more expensive initially less expensive
Chemical Useage Few chemicals needed Plaster and water react altering pH levels-more acid and chlorine are needed
Surface Texture smooth textured
Est. Electricity 4-6 hours of circulation daily 6-8 hours of circulation daily
Algae Does not attach-sweeps off with brush Algae is harbored in tiny pores of concrete-scrubbing required
Weekly Maint. 15-30 minutes per week 3-5 hours per week
Repair None 10-12 years needs interior refinished
Quality Control manufactured in an environmentally controlled factory On site construction-no environmental control

You may want a design more conducive to game playing, so you may choose to have the middle of your pool be deep and the two ends shallow. This is great for games like volleyball–no one has an unfair advantage when everyone can touch!

Or, you may prefer an eye-catching free-form shape. These can be beautifully enhanced by fiber-optic or LED lighting features or rock-like waterfall features.

Pool Captain will work with you and your family to design the best pool for you and your budget.

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